Regimens Required

Regimens Required
By Carissa St. Rose
Half the battle with repairing, perfecting, and protecting your skin is establishing a self-care regimen to supplement professional treatments. Regimens are typically customized by your Aesthetician to suit your skin type and address any present skin concerns. Your initial regimen will most likely consist of a Cleanser, Toner, and Moisturizer to promote healthy AM and PM skin care routines. Adding Serums and advanced creams will enhance your daily regimen to provide your skin with essential nutrients.
Dermaesthetics Beverly Hills does a fantastic job of creating regimens tailored to each skin type and skin concern to support both Aesthetic practitioners and the consumer. Professional treatments are designed with the same logic to support the novice Aesthetician, while also providing customizable options for PowerBlending as their skillset advances. Committing to a self-care regimen will truly be a game-changer for your daily routine and skin concerns. Today, we’ll cover the Dermaesthetics Essential Skin Care Systems, and follow this up with advanced regimens next week.
Dermaesthetics’ Essential Sensitive Skin Care System includes the Hydrating Cleanser, Aloe Essence Toner, and Milk Cream moisturizer. This regimen will soothe discomfort, minimize redness, and maintain/optimize hydration levels.
The DBH Essential Normal/Combination Skin System consists of the Perfect Skin Wash, O2 Hydramist Toner, and Milk Cream Moisturizer. Your skins hydration will be balanced while also being protected from free radical damage and premature aging.
The Dermaesthetics Essential Oily Skin system is a regimen that will balance and hydrate the skin while reducing oil production and acne causing bacteria. This system includes the Glycolic Cleansing Gel, Salix Toner, and Skin Balance Cream.
DBH’s Essential Dry Skin System contains the Hydrating Cleanser, RX Mist Toner, and Super Moisture Cream. This regimen will soothe and hydrate tight skin while encouraging cell turnover to unveil a radiant glow.
As you can see, a regimen commitment is truly a requirement to achieve your skin goals and optimize treatment outcomes. Your DBH Aesthetician can customize your treatment plan and monitor results to course-correct as necessary, so don’t skip this months facial. Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!