With all the changes as the New Year kicks off, it’s time for some changes to your skincare routine. One of the healthiest habits to add-in to your monthly routine is exfoliation. There are many forms of exfoliation and it’s often tough to choose: What’s the best exfoliation for my skin?
First, it’s vital to understand why we need to exfoliate. Here is a very simple explanation. Skin cells have a lifecycle of about 30 days as they are created in the dermis, and then rise thru the epidermis. What we see as our skin’s surface can be dramatically changed thru exfoliation. So, the best skin routine combines manually (self-care) and professional forms of exfoliation.
Now, all skins can add-in a manually exfoliating scrub, such as the multi-tasking DBH’s Natural Jojoba Cleansing Bead Scrub. This cleanser and exfoliator works into a small refreshing lather before rinsing away clean-great prior to moisturizing for a super smooth makeup application.
Finally, the best monthly exfoliation can be an add-on service of a Glycolic Solution-to penetrate into the surface of the skin and break down/dislodge the skin cells linked together to promote a clearer, brighter appearance. Instantly skin is less lined, discoloration is minimized, and the texture of the skin is smoothed!
DBH offers different concentrations based on skin’s needs. Your aesthetician can choose from 10%, 15%, 20% or 30%.The added benefit is that following a glycolic treatment, the skin will accept serums and moisturizers at a deeper level and look better for several weeks after the professional treatment.
So, check your monthly appointments this year and add-in a professional glycolic treatment with your aesthetician-Remember to request Dermaesthetic Beverly Hills!