Feed Your Face

Feed Your Face

F e e d   y o u r   F a c e

by Kristine Seganti


Get your skin ready for Summer!  Some of us are still recuperating from the Winter Fun with dry and sensitive skin. Spring is already here changing my complexion and in need of some prepping for Summer Sun! Having a beautiful and youthful glowing complexion is what everyone wants, right?

Here are my tips for a glowing complexion, for both MEN and WOMEN: 

After cleansing your skin, exfoliate well to and remove dry dead skin cells that cause dullness, shadowing, uneven tanning and cakey sunblock and make-up! No one wants to see that! Moisturize well based on your skin type: (see chart below)

If your skin feels extra dry from the change in weather, try applying a  serum first or mixing it with your favorite moisturizer for an added BOOST!

Ladies, stick to wearing a light foundation that you you can “build-up” on for summer nights! You can achieve the coverage you need by building and avoiding the cakey look.

Remember, less is more!

Keep your skin healthy by staying hydrated and exercising and you will have great skin and a sexy complexion.


As women we love our makeup, but more often than not wearing makeup everyday can be a huge contributing factor to skin issues such as blemishes, congestion, uneven skin tone, acne and more.

Allowing your skin to breath each night by properly cleansing your skin will allow for better night time repair!

Oil cleansers that emulsify are my favorite for this down and dirty job! Everything is quickly removed, even sunscreen and waterproof makeup!   With or without makeup, this is my go to each night to thoroughly cleanse and prepare my skin for delicious serums!

Our skin loves to breath and can actually add to the health and brightness of our complexion.  For a personal recommendation of what products to choose for your skin, give us a call or shoot me an email. I would love to help you enjoy your skin!

Healthy Skin, Healthy You!

Xo, K