Vitamin C & Me

Vitamin C & Me

Vitamin C & Me by Kristine Seganti       For years Vitamin C has been one of the top ingredients found in products that fight premature aging and pigmentation! Today we ask; What does Vitamin...
The Magic Mushroom

The Magic Mushroom

| the magic mushroom | by Kristine Seganti THERE IS a magic mushroom that can slow the aging process, will you eat it Alice?  Yes! said Alice.  Yes, I would and I will, give it to...
In a Facial Drought?

In a Facial Drought?

Extreme changes in daily weather has an affect on our skin; whether it be increased dryness, sensitivity, redness, or even excess oil production. Extra care is needed, especially when combating our Cellular Turnover Rate! Proper...
Hickory Chicory Dock

Hickory Chicory Dock

We may not be able to run away from time, but maybe we can slow it down? The Anti-Aging Chicory Root You may already be familiar with the chicory root as an amazing dietary supplement...
Spot-less skin is Possible

Spot-less skin is Possible

  Unless you’re a Dalmatian puppy, spots are not cute. Humans aren’t born with spots-so if you have them, what to do? Take it to a professional skincare company that has been treating spots for...
How to choose a serum

How to choose a serum

 One of the newest ‘Must-Have” in beauty is a serum. What exactly is a serum and how will it benefit your skin? How to pick the best one? When to start using a serum?...
Can skin be AGELESS?

Can skin be AGELESS?

Oh the cute babyface! We all love to look at them and wish we had them. But how do we really keep our skin baby-like and age-less? The answer begins with analyzing (very simply!) what...
The clock is ticking: Time for Collagen?

The clock is ticking: Time for Collagen?

What is the main difference between young skin and aged skin? One of the major differences that we see in aging skin is the loss of collagen. Often referred to as the lattice work of...
Put a cherry on top!

Put a cherry on top!

With all the health benefits from eating cherries, the question comes up: How do cherries benefit my skin? There are many aspects of cherries that benefit certain skin conditions. Due to its ant-inflammatory qualities, cherry...